The current practice of the international development community is to plan the future based on assumptions of business as usual. This has lead to less than 100 percent development effectiveness.
With the UN naming Agenda 2030 and 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) how will we ensure the new goals take into account emerging realities for 2030?

The mission of the global development futures community of practice will be to share information on foresight being done related to global development agenda, wih th a view to enlivening and invigorating the practice of global planning and the global dialogue on our common future with the tools and methods of strategic foresight and related practices..

A learning space to collect and share material and methods and policies related to the use of foresight and scenario planning in international development policy, planning and programming.

An eclectic group of futurists, development practitioners, youth and independent thinkers.

You are often considered a heretic, or radical, or outlier!You work in an NGO, corporation, governement agency, academia, international development organization!
You think that the old paradigms like the one on Time Value of Money developed in Newtonian time does not work in Quantum time of GPS enabled 24-hour global business economy and smart information systems -- and this just might explain why we cant fix the global economy!
You believe that the planning based on old paradigms, best practices and lessons learned is insufficient to design sustainable, meaningful, aspirational, resilient and tactical solutions to the global challenges!
You CARE about the global commons and the common good!.
JOIN US and BE a part of this conversation to change the game.
Be a part of OUR SHARED FUTURE: OUR SMART FUTURES 2030 - A trans media storytelling space.
Seeking Partners for:
Global Youth Summit - SMART FUTURES 2030
Book of Memoirs from the Future - OUR LIFE IN 2030
MiniDoc 2030 Film Festival -