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Cultivating a Diverse Community for Sustainable Global Futures!

Strategic Foresight and Development Practice are the basis on which we shape and plan for the future we desire. Yet, the locus of foresight is white and male.   And the focus of development practice is reactionary planning.  

At the Futures Forum, we believe that creating a more diverse poool of thougt leaders woudl ensure increased innovation and insight into the emerging future.   We also believe that anticipatory planning would greatly shrink the development effectiveness gap!  The power of Appreciative Foresight - standing in the future to plan, empowers people to see that the decisions they make today, individually and collectively, shape the future we all share.


The Futures Forum believes it is time to bring the power of diversity to the field of strategic foresight and the power of anticipatory planning to development practice and developing economies -- from government and policy planners to private sector leaders ro underserved and marginalized communities, where survival thinking styles and behaviors prevail to their own continuing detriment.  


The vision of The Futures Forum is to bring the community of futures face to face with the organizations - NGOs and government in the international development community with a view to ensuring that the dialogue on Development in 2030 is cognisant of the emerging realities and benefits from a strategic foresight lens. 

Our Shared Future is a transmedia story telling initiative aimed at engaging 365 global NGOs and 1 million global citizens in telling the future of Life in the Year 2030.


The vision of The Futures Forum is to help usher in a space-faring civilization where all peoples participate.  The Space Futures Forum will include research and education initiatives.  Because many socially excluded peoples amd communities are functionallly illiterate in terms of the emerging space economy, the initiative will include quarterly public education events, around key international celebrations such as International Space Flight Day and World Space Week. The Futures Forum will seek to raise grant funds and donations to support our efforts to build a broad space literacy through research and education among NGOs, and historically disadvantaged academic institutitions as well as with governments in the developing countries. In this regard we also seek partnerships with private and public sector organizations committed to ensuring space remains a zone of global cooperation and peace.  

Climate Energy Space Research International Consortium (CESRIC) is established to bring together five universities from the global North and South to conduct research and education leading to advances in space based solar power.   Our first research project is funded by the Space Frontier Foundation.  


The vision of The Futures Forum is to create foresight literacy for development with equity -- for socially excluded communities, so as to help them to create sustainable opportunities, by increasing  their understanding concerning technological, environmental, and societal changes and their long-range consequences.  The Futures Forum  will partner with like-minded firms and organizations  to bring the power of APPRECIATIVE FORESIGHT to marginalized communities. 

Because many such socially excluded peoples amd communities in need of the powerful tools of strategic foresight can not afford our services but could greatly benefit from our methods and processes, The Futures Forum will seek to raise grant funds and donations to support our efforts to build a broad futures literacy in these community— among NGOs, and in community-based organizations.  In this regard we also seek partnerships with NGOs and community based organizations that have the potential to sustain strategic foresight beyond the seed funding. The Futures Forum will also seek to convene special dialogues about the futures with communities of interest, especially youth.


The vision of The Futures Forum is to create foresight literacy for inclusive prosperity in the Caribbean.  In this regard, our efforts will be done in partnership with the Caribbean Development Foresight Institute.   The focus of this program area is the actualization of means and ways top advance the Sustainable Development Goals  (SDgs).  Initial program focus is placed on SDG 2 (Hunger-Agriculture);  SDG 13 (Climate Change)  and SDG14 (Life Beneath Water) and SDG 6 (Energy)  and SDG 3 (Health).  The Futures Forum will also seek to convene special dialogues about the futures with communities of interest, especially youth.



We are seeking support from organizations and individuals who believe in the value of participatory Appreciative Foresight or pro-thrival foresight. Contributions of any size are welcome.

We have a fundraising goal for US$20,000 to provide scholarship support for 40 Caribbean American Youth Leaders to be trained in Appreciative Inquiry and Integral Development Plannning.  We have a fundraising goal of US$10,000 to provide prizes for SMART Caribbean 2030 Youth Essay Competiton and training seminar.  In order to grow an immediate base for the greatest impact, we are asking for your support at the following levels:  


  • Benefactors Circle - $1,000 and above 

  • Leadership Circle  -  $500 and above

  • Partners Circle       -   $250 and above

  • Fellows Circle         -  $100 and above

  • Friend Circle          -  $50 and above

We look forward to collaborating with you to pursue the goal of transformed youth leadership.
Contributions will be fully tax-deductible under US Law. 


Abstract Futuristic Background

"The future is ever evolving. Might as well get used to it."

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